New Bedford Thread Company

Quality North American Made Threads

Welcome to New Bedford Thread

Established in 1953, New Bedford Thread Company is headquartered in New London, CT.

We are a global company that offers an extensive line of superior quality threads used in applications from tailoring, crafting, industrial weaving & sewing, to manufacturing in the Medical Industry.
With manufacturing facilities in both the USA and the Dominican Republic, we are your “go to source” for a wide variety of threads: Cotton, Polyester, Jean threads, button threads, monofilaments, nylon and skeins.

Our specialty since 1953 is our in-house cotton proprietary glazing process, that enhances the strength of the thread and leaves a smoother surface, allowing it to easily go through layers of fabric.

NBTC Threads

Cotton Threads

Polyester Threads

Cotton Poly Threads

Jean Threads

Button Threads


Nylon Threads


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